What is the purpose of your research (secondary) to gather information from other film magazines and people so that when i make my own film magazine its unique and different to everyone else's ones out there. Because if when i make my magazine and its similar to EMPIRE or FHM people who are viewing wont really be interested because they'll  think that mine is just the same as the one they've read in the past. The purpose overall purpose is to create something that no one else has created before. 

Conduct research on current film magazines
Conduct research on what the magazine  is called, include publication date

What is the content of the magazine:

What does the cover look like? The cover has a picture of a young man who looks like he is standing in water, above him in the sky there are loads of dark blue and black clouds. Also in the young mans hand he is holding a lightning spear with lightning strikes oozing out of it, in the distance you can see a city full of buildings that are lit up.
What is featured on the cover page?
On the front cover there is a picture from the film avatar, the picture is of a human/alien man who stars in the film. Around the picture of the avatar there is a bunch of medium titles with small text under them they are about other films, above the character from the movie Avatar you'll find the TOTAL FILM title in big bold white and blue letters above that you'll see a few upcoming movie titles, and in very small font you'll see the date that the magazine was issued.
Does it have a centre page spread?This magazine has 3 centre page spreads, the first page spread consists of pictures of the movie indiana jones. The centre page is just promoting the movie, it says things like what channel it will premier on, what date it first comes out. also at the bottom of both pages it has numbers and emails of the people that then can contact. The 

Does it have interviews? Yes it does have an interview with Zoe Saldana and she is just answering a few questions about the film for example "Was it hard to act using 3D Technology?".
Contests for readers?
2 lucky readers have the chance to see the premier of the new Percy Jackson movie.
Film reviews?
Most of the film reviews were from the fans in this magazine, they had a range of opinions MAGAZINE NAME: EMPIRE PART 2
What is the purpose of your research (secondary)

Conduct research on current film magazines
Conduct research on what the magazine  is called, include publication date

What is the content of the magazine:

What does the cover look like? The front cover has a picture of an actor his name is Tom Cruise, he is known as a very big successful actor. He is known as "The legend of our lifetime".

What is featured on the cover page? The cover page has a picture of an upcoming movie called "A Million Ways To Die In The West" it has three of the film stars standing together the person on the far left is an actor called Liam Neeson he's holding a revolver gun then theres a man  thats holder a sheep this actor is called Seth MacFarlane and theres a young lady on the far right in a cowboy hat with her hands on her hips her name is Charlize Theron.

Does it have a centre page spread? Yes the centre page spread is basically an advertisement of an upcoming film called "X-MEN FIRST CLASS". The centre page is just telling us about the film and who the star actors are as well. The big title of the centre page is "The X Games" it shows a couple pictures of the last two XMEN. In the bottom right also has a small sticker of a drink advertisement the drink is mountain dew.

Does it have interviews?

Yes the magazine has a few interviews from a couple of reporters about movies they've watched in the past and about teasers for movies that haven't come out yet,

Contests for readers?

The readers have a chance to sign up for a free movie ticket x2 at the odeon cinema to see a new movie, they also get a free popcorn as well with both tickets. All they have to do is sign their full name ,address  email and phone number.

Film reviews?

The magazine has a load of movie reviews about upcoming films one of them were from someone called Roger Erbert he just goes in to explain how different the film is, and says that it is in the action/sci-fi genre.

Also, consider comparing two film magazines (different from one another) how are they the same and how do they differ?

The two magazine are quite different but also quite alike because they both magaizines 



‘Venom’ the big budget movie that came to our screens this summer  is apart of the marvel film franchise, it was directed by Ruben Fleischer. Tom Hardy plays Eddie Brock, an investigative journalist with his own TV show dedicated to taking down evil corporate powers. Later on in the movie we see Eddie Brock go through problems with his job and he runs into a bit of an disagreement with someone that he is interviewing. That's when he is approached by someone that works in the special lab where the venom comes from. Venom gives Eddie superhuman strength, healing powers, and conveniently takes over Eddie’s hands and legs to help him in fights. Other times, Venom just takes over completely, turning Eddie into a hulking, black-and-white monster with gnashing teeth and a penchant for eating people’s heads.

The Target audience for this brilliant Marvel film is young people aged from 16+, just like most marvel movies they are made for the young people especially.

The Actors in the film are Tom Hardy who is the star of the film he plays venom, Michelle Williams who plays Eddie's lover, Ritz Ahmed who has the roll of another species of venom and many more good actors.

In my opinion the film was very good, it had a good story line and the actors were perfect for the role. However one thing i would change is the ending credits scene, i didn't think that they gave it that much effort it didn't feel like a usual marvel ending scene. I would like to see them making a sequel or adding venom into the marvel avengers franchise because i think his character could bring something new to that film.


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