

It is important to have regulation in the media industry for example  someone had been killed and their killer had been spotted speaking them through Facebook, the government could go into the Facebook account without having the security information, that can be quite intrusive for the owner of the account, on the other hand it could save someones life or help solve a problem.

 2. Watch a film or TV show of your choice and identify:

My TV show is called The Flash

Camera angles
- Close up
-High Angle
-Low angle
-The Birds Eyes view

Type of lighting used



-Technological Convergence:

-Pre-production: planning

-Production: doing the project 

-Post-production: editing

-Distribution: sending it out

-Exhibition: audience consuming it

-Access: opportunity to approach 
-Immediacy: the quality of bringing one into direct and instant involvement with something

-Portability: easy to carry and move

-Convenience: going through something without struggle

-Interactivity: the process with two or more people

-Personalization: adding your own ideas to it

-Connectivity: being connected

How has access to digital media technology changed the way in which the audience consumes media? 

the access to digital media technology changed the way in which the audience consumes media by because they could get onto different products and can mostly go on the product you use the most of the time.

What is Consumer-generated content?  
Short for user-generated content, UGC is the term used to describe any form of content such as video, blogs, discussion form posts, digital images, audio files, and other forms of media that was created by consumers or end-users of an online system or service and is publically available to others consumers and end-users. User-generated content is also called consumer generated media( CGM)



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