Tyrell Walker 300 Word Essay Media
What are the main three purposes of commercial radio?

The main purposes of commercial radio is to advertise, broadcast and distribute content on the radio. This can range from a new movie that is about to be released, to events or even new music or things that are happening around the world. You can find commercial radio on most music or podcasting websites, or radio stations (In vehicles). Commercial radio originally started “during the 1920s, in contrast with the public television model in Europe during the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s which prevailed worldwide (except in the United States) until the 1980s” Wikipedia. (2011). Commercial Broadcasting. Available: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commercial_broadcasting. Last accessed 24 Sept 2018..  Most of the content that is on the radio is for distribution purposes because radio platforms these days are quite popular because it attracts a lot of attention from the younger generation and also because technology is on the rise so there is always a new way for people to tune in and listen, they have many broadcasting channels like; BBC ONE, BBC ONE EXTRA, Classic FM, Magic FM, HEART and Capital FM. These channels here attract young and middle aged adolescents because they often play certain genre that is popular at this time and age. A lot of people think that commercial radio is relevant because they help to broadcast and distribute important things most of the time. “The commercial local broadcast industry, terrestrial radio and television stations, is critically important to the United States economy as a whole and to local economies in particular. Local radio and television key role in the dissemination of entertainment and local programming is well established.”Nab. (2011). nab entertainment. Available: http://www.nab.org/documents/newsRoom/pdfs/062011_economic_analysis.pdf. Last accessed 24 Sept 2018. If radio wasn't around people who aren't as up to date with most of the things going on in the news on the tv or in newspapers would find it hard and wouldn't find out much, also the radio is a big factor for people with disabilities like blindness because they cant see so they'll listen.


Regulatory Bodies
regulatory agency (also regulatory authority,regulatory body or regulator) is a public authority or government agency responsible for exercising autonomous authority over some area of human activity in a regulatory or supervisory capacity.

-Age Restriction
-use of children
-restricted or banned category

ASAAdvertising Standards Authority
OfComThe Office of Communications 

When making a radio advert you have to consider what time the show will air, who will be in the advert so like who's voice. You also have to make sure hat its not offensive because if it is it could be at risk of getting removed


Step 1).  Type in on google Complain about radio advert.

Step 2).

Have a read of which one you would like to complain about, once you've read the steps and information click the "Submit"

Step 3).

After you have pressed the button you will be sent to this page and then you'll be able to go and submit your complaint.

Step 4.


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