
An outline of your film magazine and its purpose Magazine Name: Watch If First My film magazine is called Watch it First, i chose this name because this magazine will have all the exclusive unseen information, pictures, interviews and prizes for all upcoming films and TV shows. Watch It First is for young children and young adults from ages 11-18+. This film magazine will be a exclusive one because it wont have a new copy like other film magazines, WIF (Watch It First) is quite exclusive. WIF will probably only publish and release 5 magazines a year because I want the target audience to be hungry or thirsty for a WIF Magazine, because it doesn't come out like competitors magazines customers will want it more because it will have a rare status.

Faye Media

What did you pick up from the short clip? it was saying what makes a radio advert good good scripts music base, speech base What makes a effective radio ad? clear message something catchy that they will remember Type of voice needs to be exciting PERSUASIVE TOOLS Humor sex series shock Famous people  animation stereo type PERSUASIVE TECHNIQUES: Think Stereo the narrator makes us look at other peoples point of views when he talk about how to sounds to a middle aged adult, to a elderly person aged 85 and then to a 16 year old teenager. The narrator also used a bit of statistics by telling you whose most likely to lose  their life due to not being aware of their surroundings. Reward and Punishnment Value messages Watershed: if there is something to explicit for children they play it after pm PART 2 Recap: Q1 - List 3 purposes of commercial radio to sell news casts also sponsored contents to persuade people to call in and get involved in their competitions
Tyrell Walker 300 Word Essay Media What are the main three purposes of commercial radio? The main purposes of commercial radio is to advertise, broadcast and distribute content on the radio. This can range from a new movie that is about to be released, to events or even new music or things that are happening around the world. You can find commercial radio on most music or podcasting websites, or radio stations (In vehicles). Commercial radio originally started “during the 1920s, in contrast with the public television model in Europe during the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s which prevailed worldwide (except in the United States) until the 1980s” Wikipedia. (2011). Commercial Broadcasting. Available: Last accessed 24 Sept 2018..   Most of the content that is on the radio is for distribution purposes because radio platforms these days are quite popular because it attracts a lot of attention from the younger generation and also because

All About Me...

'ALL ABOUT ME' My hobbies are gaming,watching Netflix, going to the gym and shopping. My favourite subject is Media, i find it interesting because its very creative. I have one brother he's 20 years. i do have a part time job at crystal palace, my least favourite food is fish. I got one pet which is a cat
MAGAZINE NAME: TOTAL FILM*- What is the purpose of your research (secondary) to gather information from other film magazines and people so that when i make my own film magazine its unique and different to everyone else's ones out there. Because if when i make my magazine and its similar to EMPIRE or FHM people who are viewing wont really be interested because they'll  think that mine is just the same as the one they've read in the past. The purpose overall purpose is to create something that no one else has created before.  Conduct research on current film magazines Conduct research on what the magazine  is called, include publication date What is the content of the magazine: What does the cover look like? The cover has a picture of a young man who looks like he is standing in water, above him in the sky there are loads of dark blue and black clouds. Also in the young mans hand he is holding a lightning spear with lightning strikes oozing out of it, in the distanc

Introduction Post

My name is Tyrell Walker, i'm studying Business, Media and i'm retaking Maths and English. I like media because you can be very creative and its not just meia in one area, there are a handful of media sectors( film/tv, audio, publishing, websites, games). My favourite media sector would have to be games, i have a playstation and i play it majority of the time, my favourite games are Grand Theft Auto, Fifa and Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare. My interests and hobbies are going to the gym, playing my playstaton and watching tv.  I am not sure on what i want to do after college, but it will most likely be moving on to further education.